Have a Healthy New year
The arrival of a new year inspires us to start new beginnings and make changes in our life
we should continue with our good practices and try to get rid of our bad habits or even adopt some new healthy habits. This can be a bit challenging.
we are all great at making New Year’s resolutions and also great at forgetting about them.
Here are some of the most popular healthy new year resolutions:
1. Eat Healthier
2. Lose Weight
3. Be More Active
4. Stop smoking
5. Cut back on alcohol

Creating a healthier relationship with food and taking better care of your body and mind can drastically improve your health in various ways.
A healthy diet can lower your risk of stroke or heart disease and may also have the added benefit of slimming your waistline.
Increasing your exercise, and burning more calories than you consume are all proven methods for losing weight. Unfortunately,
there aren’t any shortcuts; shedding pounds takes serious effort and serious commitment. The good news is even after just one workout, your mood brightens, your body image improves,
your stress rate is reduced, and your brain is more capable of creative thinking. What are you waiting for? Enroll in a spin class, download a yoga app, and get moving.
Choose an activity based on enjoyment and whether it fits into your schedule. Starting small, focusing on one behavior at a time can help you achieve your goal over a longer period of time.
I remember years ago when I downloaded a yoga app. After a few sessions, I decided to take a yoga challenge for intermediate users. This decision definitely set me off the track for a while with my yoga experience.
A few months later I went back to the roots and started my mornings with a 7 minutes morning body awakening yoga and that is still making my mornings better.
Learn from my mistake and forget about the “I want it ALL and I want it NOW!” mentality
Set Smaller Milestones you don’t have to prove that your yoga skills are on the intermediate level. or you don’t have to run the marathon today.
Once you can comfortably run a 5k the next step will feel more within your reach. It is important to celebrate your progress on the path to successfully completing your goals.
I encourage you to create a smart goal that has meaning to you. Be Realistic, make one change at a time set small goals and don’t give up this year.
The right kind of exercise will keep in shape, no questions about that while adopting inappropriate techniques can send you to the doctors in no time.
Unfortunately, going too fast, exercising for too long or simply doing too much of one type of activity can strain your muscles and lead to an overuse injury.
A massage after vigorous exercise unquestionably feels good, and it seems to reduce pain and help muscles recover.
Deep tissue massage therapy can help to identify your back problems and helps with relief of muscle tension and stiffness, faster healing of muscle strains and ligament sprains, reduced muscle pain and enhanced flexibility.
In order to understand what your body and mind go through each day or week, your therapist should find out what sort of sporting exercises you practice, its frequency and intensity as well as future events or sports goals.
The treatment plan they propose will take into consideration when you train or perform and therefore will advise on the best massage type or time for massage treatments